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Parent's Page

Classroom Expectations

Every morning when we gather together as a class, we will say The Pledge of Allegiance and we will say another pledge. This pledge will be to respect one another emotionally as well as physically. This rule is upheld throughout the classroom as well as throughout the entire school at Morgan. Another expectation that we have for our students is that they complete and turn in all their work (classwork and homework). This is how we study in third grade. One of the most important rules we have in third grade is that all students should ALWAYS try their best at their work! 

Classroom Management

Every student will recieve "tickets" for positive actions. These tickets will be turned in for rewards at the end of the month. The children with the three highest amounts of tickets gets to choose a prize out of the treasure box or have a treat such as candy or a day with Jim Bear (my oversized Costco teddy bear). These tickets are earned through completion of homework and making good choices here at school. Students are responsible for keeping up with their tickets until the end of the month, but I will keep track of their ticket amounts through Classroom Dojo (an app on my device). Parents will be invited through the dojo app at the beginning of the school year to join our classroom digitally. Parents will then be able to see their ticket earnings in real time and will be able to send 'texts' to me through the app. 

Grading Scale

A - 90 - 100
B - 80 - 89
C - 70 -  79
D - 60-69
F - 59-0
Classwork - 25%
Quizes - 40%

Tests - 35%

What they will need for the year

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